A brow lift refers to the repositioning of the eyebrow and is sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, forehead rejuvenation, or forehead plasty. It is designed to improve the eyes, brow, and forehead areas to make you look more rested and happier. This is most often accomplished through surgical repositioning through a variety of techniques that are available that can be tailored to your specific needs.
How Do I Know If I Need A Brow Lift?
Generally speaking, as we age, the soft tissue of our face begins to move downwards because of the effects of gravity. The rate of this movement varies from individual to individual, and across different skin types and ethnicities. Patients who have excessive forehead wrinkling and furrows, as well as patients that have eyebrows that have descended over time are best served by brow lift procedures. Some patients may have such significant drooping of the eyebrow that it may cause problems with vision.
Physicians and artists over time have mapped out the ideal brow position that demonstrates and exemplifies youth and vitality. Ideal placement also varies between men and women and sometimes changes with evolving cultural values. In men, the brow is ideally positioned along the bony portion of the top of the eye socket. For women, a natural appearing arch that peaks along the outer edge of the eye is more ideal.
You will meet with Dr. Mourad where he usually spends an hour going over everything related to your surgery. He will evaluate and make sure that he can specifically tailor a custom care plan to your exact needs. During the consultation, Dr. Mourad will determine the exact nature of your complaints and the exact causes. He may prescribe medications that will assist in your complaints. Once a tailored plan is made, Dr. Mourad and his staff will take you through all the necessary information needed to make sure that your surgery happens without issue. We take care of the details so that you can have the most enjoyable experience.
Dr. Mourad views treating his patients to be nothing short of a privilege and an honor and enjoys taking the time to get to know his patients and fully understand their issues. Dr. Mourad’s office provides a boutique experience that takes you out of the mindset of being at the doctor’s office. It is a warm, comfortable environment, providing a bespoke experience.
There are different methods that are used to change the position of the brow. Each patient needs a custom tailored approach depending on their specific needs and expectations. A thorough evaluation by a specialist will ensure that you have the right surgery.
Minimally Invasive Procedures
Botox Injection
Botox can be used to selectively inject specific areas around the eye and forehead to elevate the eyebrow and reduce forehead wrinkling. This allows for about 1-2 mm eyebrow elevation, in addition to decreasing the appearance of wrinkles. Botox typically wears off over the course of 3-5 months. However, if you have significant forehead wrinkles or eyebrow drooping, other methods may be better suited.

Micro Fat Injection
Small amounts of fat taken from the thigh or belly can be injected around the eye to achieve more youthful appearing eyes, in addition to elevating the brow. This, however, does not address forehead wrinkling and is more often used in combination with other minimally-invasive techniques such as Botox. This also allows for 1-3 mm of brow elevation but has a longer lasting impact then Botox alone.
Surgical Correction Procedures
Direct Brow Lift and Midforehead Lift
This method is best suited for those with deep forehead wrinkles, as this involves making incisions in the face that need to be camouflaged. It involves making an incision right above the eyebrow (direct brow lift), or higher up in the middle of the forehead (midforehead lift) and removing an ellipse of skin. The incisions are hidden within the deep creases of the forehead. The amount of skin excised allows for a precise elevation and placement of the eyebrow to the desired position.
Transblepharoplasty Approach For Brow Lift
This type of surgery involves utilizing the same incisions used in upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. Through an incision in the eyelid crease, the areas of the eyebrow and forehead can be accessed and allow for elevation to achieve a more rested look. This also allows the ability to weaken the muscles that commonly cause “11s” which are the deep vertical lines between the eyebrows, in addition to alleviating other deep furrows in the area. The major benefit of this technique is that it does not involve additional incisions in the brow or forehead, while also allowing eyelid surgery to be performed at the same time. However, this allows for only 1-3 mm in elevation and is not suitable for patients that need a more dramatic lift. Patients that have high hairlines or who are bald that do not wish to have incisions along the forehead and face, would benefit the most from this surgery.
Bicoronal Brow Lift, Pretricheal, and Tricheal Brow Lifts
This type of surgery involves making a large incision in the scalp (bicoronal), near the hairline (pretricheal), or at the hairline (tracheal). These are valuable techniques, as the incisions allow for access to all of the problem areas of the forehead, and can allow for precise placement of the eyebrow in the desired location. However, these surgeries may alter the position of the hairline. Bicoronal forehead lifts tend to elevate the hairline and are more suited for patients with lower hairlines. Pretricheal and tracheal brow lifts have a different effect and tend to lower the hairline, and are more suited for patients with higher hairlines. Patients that have thinning hair, or are bald need careful consideration of which technique to use. These types of surgeries may also cause unsightly hair loss and scarring at the incision site, in addition to scalp numbness.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
This type of surgery involves using minimally invasive techniques to access the forehead and eye regions. Through the use of cameras and small incision sites in the hairline, 2-4 mm of brow elevation can be achieved. Sometimes screws are temporarily placed in the scalp to assist in anchoring the brow in the appropriate position. These screws are removed 3 weeks after surgery. Endoscopic brow lifts are best suited in those patients with thinning or balding hair patterns, or those patients with low hairlines.
Depending on your work, Dr. Mourad typically recommends taking a minimum of 3 days off before returning to work. He also discourages his patients from any heavy lifting. If you wear glasses, you may require some alterations if applicable. Dr. Mourad will provide you with pain medications, ointments, nasal sprays, all to help maximize your results. Dr. Mourad will then see you in visitations two weeks later, and then one month after that. Dr. Mourad enjoys the continued visitation of his patients and will see them in follow up for many years thereafter.
Depending on the nature of your complaint, insurance may sometimes provide partial or complete coverage for eyelid or forehead rejuvenation surgeries. Dr. Mourad and his team are experts that work closely with your insurance company to make sure that you receive all the benefits necessary to make your surgery a possibility. Call today for a consultation with Dr. Mourad.