Physical Therapy After Facial Nerve Damage
Most patients with facial paralysis can benefit from facial physical therapy to enhance facial symmetry, improve facial expressions, minimize synkinesis, and ultimately self-manage facial function.

Physical therapy is essential in the rehabilitation process for individuals with facial nerve damage. By targeting specific muscles and using specialized techniques, physical therapists can help patients regain control and strength in their facial muscles.
Benefits of Physical Therapy After Facial Nerve Damage
Decreased Synkinesis
Physical therapy focuses on retraining the brain’s connection to the facial muscles and improving motor control and coordination through neuroplasticity. Neuromuscular retraining helps the brain form new movement patterns following facial nerve damage. A trained therapist evaluates your movement patterns and creates an individualized program that includes stretching and massage, meditation and mindfulness, and neuromuscular retraining.
Improved Facial Symmetry
Facial nerve damage often leads to asymmetry in facial features, affecting appearance and confidence. Physical therapy techniques such as facial massage, stretching, and manual manipulation can help address muscle imbalances and promote symmetrical facial movements.
Improved Function and Motor Control
A trained facial therapist can teach you how to improve your ability to eat, drink, and speak in a more controlled and symmetrical fashion. Through targeted exercises and repetitive movements, patients can gradually regain control and coordination in their facial muscles, facilitating more natural facial expressions.
Pain Management
Facial nerve damage may sometimes be accompanied by pain, discomfort, or muscle spasms. Physical therapists use various techniques to promote relaxation in affected muscles, including:
- Heat Therapy
- Stretching
- Massage
The main goal of facial physical therapy is to empower patients with self-management strategies to optimize facial function. Patients are taught an individualized home program to be performed daily on their own time.