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Whether a surgical procedure is rare or common, invasive or non-invasive, necessary or elective, or performed in a hospital or your doctor’s office, there are always risks to consider before going forward with the operation.

Remember that you can minimize the likelihood of risks by quitting smoking, discontinuing use of certain medications, maintaining a healthy diet, and selecting a board-certified, well-regarded plastic surgeon.

Read below for more information about easing your worries about the not-so-common risks of a rhinoplasty procedure.

Choose a Surgeon Who Understands Your Needs

American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery Certification

American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery Certification

Rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most evolved and common surgeries, however understanding the potential risks is very valuable.  If would not be possible to list every risk but an understanding of the main risks is important. You should feel comfortable with the level of risk associated with your rhinoplasty. Part of feeling at ease is selecting the most qualified doctor that understands your rhinoplasty goals and expectations.

The expertise of your surgeon is key to reducing risks. Make sure you are in competent hands by consulting with a doctor who is, at minimum, board-certified in plastic surgery or ENT.

In addition to obtaining board certification in facial plastic surgery, Dr. Bennett is a board-certified ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist, commonly known as an otolaryngologist. This means that he is not only familiar with the best ways to cosmetically alter your nose, but he is also proficient in maximizing your breathing ability. Combined with his state-of-the-art facilities, he is a top choice for patients who are concerned with reducing risks and obtaining a well-functioning, attractive nose.

Understanding Rare & Deadly Risks on the Consent Form

 After being presented with a laundry list of complications on the rhinoplasty consent form, it is natural for many patients to become fearful and anxious about going forward with the surgery.

While the most common side effects include swelling, bruising and minimal bleeding, there are more remote risks. A serious infection (such as sepsis) is one example of a rare and uncommon side effect. Another rare risk is meningitis, which results from a tear in the protective layer of the brain. An extremely small percentage of patients may also develop a reaction to the post-operative nasal packing, contracting toxic shock syndrome (T.S.S.). This and patient discomfort are why Dr. Bennett only rarely finds it necessary to pack the nose. Another uncommon risk is nasal septal perforation, or a hole that develops in the nasal septum.

If you see these side effects listed on the consent form, it does not mean that they are common risks, but rather, a sign that your surgeon is thorough. In recent decades, apprising patients of all most of the risks in advance of surgery, no matter how remote, has become a standard in medical practice.